
variations of matter, words, sound, spirits and value paradigms

I am working as a responsible utopian, striving to ask better questions in the quest for a more sensuous and poetic society.
In my work I examines, reconstructs and deconstructs cultural phenomena.
Prior to the academy of fine arts I did religious studies at the university, and this perspective on cultural phenomena is recurrent in my research and works. I strive to apply a horizontal view of various phenomena of interest, and so to rank and treat them as equal.

I recently finished the GPS-based audio walk “Sans for finans / Money & Magic”, a guided investigation into the structural nature of the monetary creature.
Why is it that our monetary system and value perception are as it is?
Why is it easier to imagine the end of human kind than the end of capitalism?
I became time and space and space and time, sound design and performer in “Hudriket / Skinrealm”
Yarning for a more poetic society, a society where art is all around us, present every second of the day, I founded and are curating Spikersuppa sound gallery, art from January to the beginning of March every winter at Spikersuppa ice-skating rink in downtown Oslo.


September 2008 – May 2014: Statens kunstakademi, Oslo
Januar 2008 – Juni 2008: Kunsthøjskolen på Ærø, DK
August 2006 – Juni 2007: Religion Syddansk Universitet, Odense, DK
Januar 2003 – Juni 2003: Holbæk kunsthøjskole, DK
August 2001 – Juni 2002: Lyd og studieteknik, Kbh produktionsskole, DK

Projects, plays, pieces & a few exhibitions
2023 (Upcoming) Lyddesign – RITUAL-Rejsekammeraten, Sew Flunk Fury Wit, K:Selekt
Det KGL teater, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2023 (Upcoming) Galleri Flora, Dubrovnik, Croatia
2023 SPIKR LIVE & Spikersuppa Lydgalleri 2023, Oslo, Norway.
2022 Metamorphosen, Sew Flunk Fury Wit -Sounddesign – DFFF, Husets teater,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
2022 Metamorphosen, Sew Flunk Fury Wit -Sounddesign – Halland Opera & Vocal
Festival, Halland, Sverige.
2022 Hudriket/Skinrealm – Sounddesign and performer. Blackbox teater, Oslo, Norway.
2022 Money & Magic, Soundwalk in collaboration with Rethinking Economics Norway
on Magic, money, paradigms, value and structures. Oslo, Norway.
2021 Skulpturtriennale SkulpturOdense 21, Hollufgård skulpturpark, Odense, Denmark
2021 JEG LIKER IKKE AT DU MENER AT JEG MENER TING, Galleri Sagene kunstsmie,
Oslo, Norway
2021 Spikersuppa Lydgalleri, Curator on Ice Ice Baby & Nightshift 21, Oslo, Norway
2020 (Curating) sound art in the night – Invisible change of sonic identity – Spikersuppa Lydgalleri
2020 Sounddesign & Tech Corpo Surreal, SFFW. International tour in Denmark, Japan, Egypt, Iceland
2020 Performer in ”Darkness and Nature” by Naja Lee Jensen. K-Select, Skuespilhuset
Copenhagen 2020, Cph Stage, 2020, Momentum, Odense 2021.
2020 Jason & the inner RGB Mountain, (Jason, skulpturhaven, Charlottenborg),
2020 Production of magic wands and Money speculation, KCAC, Oslo, Norway (Corona
2020 Invisible change of sonic identity – Night Shift (Curating) Spikersuppa Lydgalleri,
Oslo, Norway
2019 Winter Solstice, Vandaler forening. Oslo
2019 Interkulturel protest, IKM museum. Oslo
2019 Performer ”Darkness and Nature” Director Naja Lee Jensen.
Pikerne på broen, Kirkenes. Norge + Atalante, Göteborg, Sverige.